For The Media

Official Bio

ELOC is a pioneering Westchester County, N.Y. 501(c)(3) nonprofit. ELOC provides educational programming through which it aims to incubate the next generation of environmental advocates, entrepreneurs, and innovators in the county’s underserved communities. Even though municipalities across Westchester are often featured in news stories that highlight the extreme weather events that are battering the nation with greater frequency and intensity, statistics show that high school students who attend schools in the areas of the county most impacted by climate change aren’t taking the number of STEM or environmental courses recommended under state education guidelines.

Not only are individual students graduating without the skills they need to compete for the trove of new jobs that’ll be opening in the emerging green sector–their communities aren’t producing enough home-grown leaders to spearhead local grassroots efforts to mitigate the impact of climate change in the future. To address these urgent twin needs, ELOC partners with an assortment of community-based organizations throughout the county each summer and enrolls dozens of underserved high schoolers in our program, the Student Summer Energy and Environment Program for Teens (SSEPT).

Media Hits

Appearances, articles, and features on Environmental Leaders of Color

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