Energy and Environmental Summer Program Facilitators

ELOC assists marginalized communities in preparing for climate change’s adverse effects through education and advocacy. The changes in the earth’s climate are unprecedented in modern times. Many questions regarding this phenomenon remain unknown, such as: How rapidly will climate change advance? How will it impact our daily lives and dictate where we live? And finally, what can humans do to reverse and mitigate its impact? ELOC conducts a six-week summer camp for preteens and teens in Westchester County’s environmental justice communities.

The theme for the 2025 summer program is “Weather and Climate.” Students will explore the distinctions between weather and climate, examine different weather phenomena, and study methods for measurement and prediction. Additionally, they will investigate the factors that influence weather and climate, as well as the impact of populations on the environment in relation to climate change.


  • Teach daily curriculum.
  • Lead simple science experiments and projects.
  • Manage class resources and material.
  • Maintain classroom climate which nurtures and supports a learning environment.
  • Ensure students’ safety during class science projects.
  • Monitor and assist interns.
  • Attend program orientation meetings and staff meetings.
  • Fill out daily student attendance.
  • Attend field trips.
  • Report to the summer program director.


  • Must have a car to commute to sites throughout Westchester County.
  • Have a bachelor’s degree in environmental science, engineering, or teaching background.
  • Ability to teach students grades 7 – 12.
  • Must be personable.
  • Must be available from June to mid-August.
  • Ability to interact well with preteens and teens.
  • Willingness to go through a background check.
  • Want to make a lasting impact in the Environmental Justice Community.

Energy and Environmental Summer Program Facilitator


Term of Internship[:

June – August 2025 – Summer – Part-time

Pay range:
